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  2. Bank Pasargad - Wikipedia

    Bank Pasargad (Persian: بانک پاسارگاد, Bank Pasargad), also known as BPI, is a major Iranian bank offering retail, commercial and investment banking services. The company was established in 2005 as a part of the government's privatization of the banking system.

  3. Banco Português de Investimento - Wikipediaês_de...

    The bank is primarily active in Portugal and Spain, Angola and Mozambique. In Angola, BPI is the market leader in corporate banking and its activity reached a 25% market share on its 50.1% stake in Banco de Fomento Angola (BFA) with 750,000 customers (as at December 2010). In Mozambique, the BPI maintains a 30 percent stake in the bank BCI Fomento.

  4. Bank Mellat - Wikipedia

    Bank Mellat (Persian: بانک ملت, Bank Milât, lit. People's Bank) is a private Iranian bank.Its name means "Bank of the Nation". Bank Mellat was established in 1980, with a paid capital of Rials 33.5 billion as a merger of ten pre-revolution private banks, comprising Tehran, Dariush, Pars, Etebarat Taavoni & Tozie, Iran & Arab, Bein-al-melalie-Iran, Omran, Bimeh Iran, Tejarat Khareji ...

  5. Bank Melli Iran - Wikipedia

    The United States Department of Justice, speaking as amicus curiae in support of Bank Melli, advised that the bank had no responsibility for turning the funds over to the students; in March 2006, Judge Denise Cole ruled against them, and was upheld by the Second Circuit Court in April 2007. Bank Melli then withdrew the funds from Bank of New York.

  6. BPI - Wikipedia

    BPI may refer to: In banking: Banca Popolare Italiana, an Italian bank merged into Banco Popolare; Banco Português de Investimento, a Portuguese bank; Bank of the Philippine Islands, the oldest bank in the Philippines; Bpifrance, a French bank; In business: Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, a public high school in Maryland, United States

  7. Bale Messenger - Wikipedia

    Bale Messenger (Persian: پیام‌رسان بانکی بله, Yes) is an Iranian cross-platform instant messaging (IM), voice-over-IP (VoIP) service, social media platform, and mobile payment app developed by the National Bank of Iran. [2] It is one of the most widely used banking and messaging apps in Iran, with more than

  8. Banco Popolare - Wikipedia

    Banco Popolare Società Cooperativa (P.I. 0370043 023 8) was formed by the merger of Banco Popolare di Verona e Novara (BPVN) and Banca Popolare Italiana (BPI). [6] After the deal a new holding company was formed, with Banco Popolare di Verona – S.Geminiano e S.Prospero, Banca Popolare di Novara, Banca Popolare di Lodi, Credito Bergamasco and Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca Pisa Livorno were the ...

  9. Bpifrance - Wikipedia

    Bpifrance also known as the Banque publique d'investissement (lit. ' [French] Public Investment Bank ') is a French public sector investment bank.It is a joint venture of two state owned enterprises: the Caisse des dépôts et consignations and EPIC BPI-Groupe (formerly EPIC OSEO).